

― 2024.01.06 (六) ―


The Next Step of CBME in Taiwan: when implementation science meets democratic co-production

中國醫藥大學 卓越大樓 B2F 國際會議廳


― Saturday, January 6th, 2024 ―

The Next Step of CBME in Taiwan: when implementation science meets democratic co-production

B2F, Conference Hall, Administration Building, Shuinan Campus, China Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan

上半場議程 直播

(00:19:00) 開場致詞
(00:35:19) 主題:實施科學與我們從全球CBME運動中所學的經驗,講者:Jason R. Frank
(01:14:48) 主題:台灣實施CBME十年的反思以及未來的民主共創之路,講者:周致丞醫師
(02:27:38)主題:從醫療服務到醫學教育的共創,講者:Eric S. Holmboe
(03:16:06)主題:釋放學習者潛能:在教與學中的共創,講者:Raghdah Al-Bualy

下半場議程 直播

Leaders' forum:Co-design of CBME Eco-System
  主題:Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore,講者:Mabel Yap
  主題:後疫情世代專科醫師訓練精進及未來展望,講者:衛生福利部醫事司 劉越萍 司長

主題:精誠所至,金石為開:透過變革管理掌握重大CBME課程改革,講者:Harm Peters


頒獎與閉幕典禮 中國醫藥大學 洪明奇校長


◆ 日期:2024/1/6 (六)
◆ 時間:08:20 - 16:50
◆ 場地:中國醫藥大學水湳校區 (📍地圖) (交通資訊)
◆ 參與對象:歡迎全國所有對能力導向醫學教育(涵蓋所有醫事職類)有興趣或參與其中的教師、學員、訓練計畫主持人、訓練政策相關制定者、醫院學校及專科學會教育主管。
◆ 與會名額:全日活動現場250 名,同時上午場演講進行線上直播(線上參與者無積分認證)
◆ 直播時間:09:00–12:20
◆ 直播網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMCyi4CNbLk (議程詳見連結)

The Event

◆ Date:Saturday, January 06th, 2024
◆ Time:08:20 - 16:50
◆ Venue:China Medical University, Shuinan Campus (📍Map) (Transportation)

◆ Participants:Welcome to those all interested in competency-based medical education, encompassing all medical professions. This includes frontline teachers, learners, training program directors, training program policy makers, as well as representatives from hospitals, schools, and institutional education supervisors.
◆ Number of participants:host up to 250 in-person participants and simultaneously livestream the morning plenaries online. (No points certification for online participants)






    Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) has witnessed significant development in Taiwan over the past decade, encompassing a wide range of theoretical advancements, innovative educational methodologies, strategic implementation approaches, and dedicated research endeavors. From the introduction of learning milestones and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) by professional associations to workplace-based assessments, competency-focused curriculum design, programmatic assessment frameworks, clinical competency committees (CCC), and entrustment decision-making, the evolution of CBME in Taiwan has been driven by a multidimensional commitment to advancing medical education.

    This transformative journey towards CBME implementation, however, remains a complex and formidable challenge, particularly when transitioning from localized educational innovations and research endeavors to comprehensive adoption in frontline clinical settings, professional societies, and nationwide implementation initiatives. To address this challenge, the 2nd Taiwan CBME Week endeavors to provide a platform for collective learning and collaborative production, fostering an environment where the principles of implementation science and democratic values synergistically converge.

    Implementation science, at its core, is concerned with the translation of evidence and theoretical foundations into practical applications within complex social systems and activities. By focusing on enhancing the adoption, implementation, and sustainability of evidence-based practices across various domains, including healthcare, education, public health, and social services, implementation science offers indispensable insights into overcoming barriers, driving transformative change, and continuously optimizing outcomes. In the context of CBME, implementation science becomes a pivotal factor in achieving successful integration, ensuring effective dissemination of evidence-based educational strategies, and ultimately enhancing the quality of medical education in Taiwan.

    Taiwan's democratic society is internationally renowned for its transparent governance, equity in participation, open discourse, knowledge-sharing ethos, accountability, and unwavering commitment to continuous improvement. These democratic values serve as crucial foundations for the effective operation of implementation science, fostering an environment conducive to evidence-informed decision-making, stakeholder engagement, transparent practices, participatory program design, and equitable access to high-quality medical education. Over the past decade, Taiwan's vibrant CBME initiatives have exemplified the fruitful intersection of democratic principles and implementation science methodologies, resulting in a diverse range of accomplishments and advancements.

    In this context, the 2nd Taiwan CBME Week emerges as a landmark event hosted by China Medical University and Hospital, Taipei Medical University and Hospital, and Cathy Medical Center, and with collaboration with international CBME community, poised to create a collaborative platform for co-learning and co-production. It aims to facilitate the realization of large-scale CBME implementation, leveraging the principles of implementation science, harnessing the transformative power of democratic values, and fostering international collaboration within the CBME community. By exploring the intersection of implementation science and democracy, this week-long event seeks to overcome the challenges rising from the education reform and change management to propel CBME forward, driving advancements in healthcare quality and cultivating a future generation of competent and compassionate healthcare professionals.

    The opening conference of the 2nd Taiwan CBME Week is set to take place on January 6, 2024, at China Medical University and its affiliated hospital in Taichung. Through engaging with scholars, educators, learners, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, the opening conference aspires to ignite intellectual discussions, share innovative approaches, disseminate best practices, and catalyze meaningful collaborations. By embracing the potential synergy between implementation science and democratic principles, this event aims to shape the future landscape of CBME in Taiwan, paving the way for comprehensive, evidence-based, and learner-centered medical education that truly meets the evolving needs of patients and society. Together, we embark on a transformative journey, propelling CBME to new heights and ultimately improving the quality of healthcare education and delivery in Taiwan.


Registration Information

~成功報名2024 Taiwan CBME Week 者
🪧!!!2024/1/2(二) 發送活動行前通知!!!🪧
◆ 2023/11/30(四)起至第二波報名名額公告前,請踴躍報名參加,共四種報名管道。(12/15公告)

◆ 費用NT$4,000(上限100名,提供現場即時口譯服務、餐食、點心、台中高鐵站交通接駁或停車卷,以及可優先選擇下午場論壇或工作坊場次)
◆ 報名連結: (已額滿)
📢 預備或有意願報名夥伴請先報名以利保留名額,於12/13日前完成繳費,待收到報名費用後主辦單位依繳費完成及個人參與志願序,決定個人後續報名的場次。(12/8公告)
◆ 費用免費(上限40名,同一機構及學會上限2名,邀請參與Leaders' forum)
◆ 對象含各醫學校院與教學醫院院長、副院長、教學部及學系主任、評鑑機構及官署相關代表、各學會理事長及教育相關委員會主委。
◆ 12/13通知確認報名狀態,如額滿則以報名順序與機構涵蓋普及性為原則。
◆ 報名連結: (已額滿)
◆ 費用免費(邀請各位投稿夥伴參與Frontline forum,依完成報名順序,上限20名)
◆ 12/13通知確認報名狀態
◆ 報名連結: (已額滿)
📢 為促進大家交流與分享CBME相關經驗,不限主題凡完成投稿者,即日起即享有1/6日開幕研討會免費報名,鼓勵大家踴躍投稿並把握報名機會。(12/8公告)
◆ 費用免費(上限90名)
◆ 統一由各機構報名窗口報名
研討會總連絡人暨中國醫藥大學附設醫院 聯繫窗口
林頴逸 先生(04-2205-2121 分機12346,033643@tool.caaumed.org.tw)
臺北醫學大學附設醫院 聯繫窗口
吳玉琳 小姐(02-2737-2181 分機3754,175339@h.tmu.edu.tw)
蔡文心 小姐(02-2737-2181 分機3751,235101@h.tmu.edu.tw)
國泰綜合醫院 聯繫窗口
陳妘奇 小姐(02-27082121 分機1050,ipe@cgh.org.tw)
陳淑貞 小姐(02-27082121 分機1051,cghedu@cgh.org.tw)
長庚紀念醫院 聯繫窗口
陳雅欣 小姐(03-3281200 分機3806,sionchen@cgmh.org.tw)
◆ 本課程需簽到、簽退,全程參與者,將於會後核發電子檔參加證明。
Registration Channels
1、Paid Registration
◆ Registration Fee: NT$4,000 (Limited to 100 participants, includes on-site real-time interpretation services, meals, snacks, transportation shuttle or parking vouchers for Taichung High-Speed Rail Station, and the option to prioritize the afternoon forum or workshop sessions.)
📢 Partners who are ready or willing to register, please sign up in advance to reserve a spot. Please complete the payment before December 13th. After receiving the registration fee, the organizer will decide the subsequent registration sessions for individuals based on the completion of payment and the order of individual participation intentions. (Announced on December 8th)
2、Education Director Invites Registration
◆ Registration Fee: Free. (Limited to 40 participants, with a maximum of 2 individuals from the same organization or society. Invitation extended to participate in the Leaders' Forum.)
◆ The target audience includes deans and vice deans of medical schools and teaching hospitals, directors of teaching departments and departments, representatives from accreditation agencies and government authorities, as well as presidents of various medical associations and chairs of education-related committees.
◆ Notices for confirmation of registration status will be sent on 12/13. In the event of full capacity, priority will be given based on the order of registration and the broad institutional coverage.
3、Contributors Invites Registration
◆ Registration Fee: Free.  (Inviting all submissions partner to participate in the Frontline Forum. Limited to 20 participants based on the order of registration.)
◆ Notices for confirmation of registration status will be sent on 12/13.
📢 To promote communication and sharing of CBME-related experiences, anyone who completes a submission, regardless of the topic, can now enjoy free registration for the opening seminar on 1/6. We encourage everyone to actively submit and seize the registration opportunity. (Announcement on 12/8)
4、Staff from four CBME Week co-organizers Registration
◆ Registration Fee: Free.  (Limited to 90 participants.)
◆ Registration is coordinated through the registration windows of each institution.
Conference General Contact Person and China Medical University and Hospital: Bryant Ying-Yi Lin (+886-4-2205-2121 ext.12346, Email: 033643@tool.caaumed.org.tw)
Taipei Medical University and Hospital
YU-LIN,WU (+886-2-2737-2181 ext.3754, Email: 175339@h.tmu.edu.tw)
WEN-XIN,CAI (+886-2-2737-2181 ext.3751, Email: 235101@h.tmu.edu.tw)
Cathay General Hospital
Yun-Chi Chen(+886-2-27082121 ext.1050, Email: ipe@cgh.org.tw)
Shu-Chen Chen(+886-2-27082121 ext.1051, Email: cghedu@cgh.org.tw)
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: Sion Chen (+886-3-3281200 ext.3806, Email: sionchen@cgmh.org.tw )
◆ This course requires sign-in and sign-out. Participants throughout the course will be issued an electronic certificate of participation after the meeting.



時間 主題 講者 主持人
8:20~9:00 報到
9:00~9:20 開場致詞

- 中國醫藥大學醫學院 蔡崇豪院長 -
- 醫策會 張上淳董事長 -
9:20~10:00 實施科學與我們從全球CBME運動中所學的經驗
Implementation Science and What We Learn from Worldwide CBME Movement.
Jason R. Frank 中國醫藥大學醫學院

10:00~10:40 台灣實施CBME十年的反思以及未來的民主共創之路
Ten Years Reflections of CBME Implementation in Taiwan and A Future with Democratic Co-production
Fremen Chihchen Chou

10:40~11:00 大合照暨茶敘
11:00~11:40 從醫療服務到醫學教育的共創
Co-production from Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education
Eric S. Holmboe (virtual) 中國醫藥大學醫學院

11:40~12:20 釋放學習者潛能:在教與學中的共創
Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning
Raghdah Al-Bualy 中國醫藥大學附設醫院

12:20~13:20 午餐
Leaders' forum

Co-design of CBME Eco-System.

Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore
Mabel Yap(virtual)

Janson R. Frank

輔仁大學醫學系 王拔群講座教授
長庚紀念醫院 蕭政廷副院長
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 邱德發教學副院長
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 周致丞主任
Workshop A

Empowering Educators with Milestones.

Laura Edgar

國泰綜合醫院 簡志誠副院長
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 林曉娟主任
國泰綜合醫院 陳信佑副主任
Workshop B

Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production!

Pedro Tanaka

臺北醫學大學附設醫院 陳建宇主任
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 林韋均主任
臺北醫學大學附設醫院 郭淑柳主任
Frontline Forum

Co-creation and Co-Production of Learning in CBME

Raghdah Al-Bualy

Awarded presentations of submitted E-posters of Narratives from frontline in CBME

長庚大學 張玉喆副系主任
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 吳柏樟主任
長庚紀念醫院 廖書晨主任
14:50~15:20 Coffee Break
15:20~16:00 精誠所至,金石為開:透過變革管理掌握重大CBME課程改革
Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management
Harm Peters (virtual) 中國醫藥大學

16:00~16:40 未來展望論壇
The next step of CBME in Taiwan

Facilitator: 中國醫藥大學 陳偉德講座教授、台灣醫學教育學會 楊志偉秘書長
Panelists: 所有講者及與會貴賓
16:40~16:50 頒獎與閉幕典禮

- 中國醫藥大學 洪明奇校長 -
Time Topic Speaker Moderator
8:20~9:00 Registration
9:00~9:20 Opening Remark

Honored Guest
- Chon-Haw Tsai, Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU -
- Shan-Chwen Chang, Chairman of JCT of Taiwan -
9:20~10:00 Implementation Science and What We Learn from Worldwide CBME Movement. Jason R. Frank Chon-Haw Tsai, Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU
YEN-HSUAN NI, President of TAME
10:00~10:40 Ten Years Reflections of CBME Implementation in Taiwan and A Future with Democratic Co-production Fremen Chihchen Chou Jiu-Yao Wang, Superintendent of CMUCH
Chia-Te Kung, Vice President of CGMH
10:40~11:00 Group photo & Coffee Break
11:00~11:40 Co-production from Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education Eric S. Holmboe (virtual) Chia-Der Lin, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU
CHIH-CHEN CHIEN, Vice President of CGH
11:40~12:20 Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning Raghdah Al-Bualy Te-Fa Chiu, Vice President of CMUH
Chien-Chin Hsu, President of TSEM
12:20~13:20 Lunch
Leaders forum

Co-design of CBME Eco-System.

Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore
Mabel Yap (virtual)
Taiwan’s Vision for Training Medical Professionals
Yueh-Ping Liu

Janson R. Frank

Wang, Pa-Chun
Cheng-Ting Hsiao
Te-Fa Chiu
Fremen Chihchen Chou
Workshop A

Empowering Educators with Milestones.

Laura Edgar

Chien, Chih-Cheng
Hsiao-Chuan Lin
Xin-You Chen
Workshop B

Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production!

Pedro Tanaka

Chien-Yu Jonathan Chen
Peter Wei-Jun Lin
Shu-Liu Guo
Frontline Forum

Co-creation and Co-Production of Learning in CBME

Raghdah Al-Bualy

Awarded presentations of submitted E-posters of Narratives from frontline in CBME

Yu-Che. Chang
Po-Chang Wu
Shu-Chen Liao
14:50~15:20 Coffee Break
15:20~16:00 Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management Harm Peters (virtual) Mien-Chie Hung ,President of CMU
Chaur-Jong Hu , Vice President of TMU
16:00~16:40 Forum to future
The next step of CBME in Taiwan

Facilitator: Walter Chen and Chih-Wei Yang

Panelists: all speakers and guests
16:40~16:50 Award & Closing Ceremony

- Mien-Chie Hung ,President of CMU -
E-poster Juries: Yu-Che. Chang, Yaw-Wen Chang, Shu-Liu Guo, Chien-Yu Chen, Meng-Chuan Huang, Chih-Wei Yang


Forum and Workshop

A. Leaders’ forum: Co-design of CBME eco-system
  • Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore By Mabel Yap
  • 台灣醫療專業人員訓練願景 By 劉越萍司長
    Taiwan’s Vision for Healthcare Professional Training.
    Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long-term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
A. Leaders’ forum: Co-design of CBME eco-system
#real-time interpretation service
  • Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore By Mabel Yap
  • Taiwan’s Vision for Healthcare Professional Training. By Yueh-Ping Liu
    Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long-term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
B. Workshop: Empowering Educators with Milestones: Unleashing Collective Brilliance for a Stronger Educational Faculty Team.
    Introducing clinician educators (CE) milestones, bringing a blueprint for constructing a stronger CE team in organization, a guide for individual development of CE, a tool to examine the collective strength and weakness of the CE team.
Clinician Educator Milestones 相關連結:
B. Workshop: Empowering Educators with Milestones: Unleashing Collective Brilliance for a Stronger Educational Faculty Team.
    Introducing clinician educators (CE) milestones, bringing a blueprint for constructing a stronger CE team in organization, a guide for individual development of CE, a tool to examine the collective strength and weakness of the CE team.
C. Workshop: Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production! 
    This session highlights the work of program quality improvement by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from different sources including ACGME and GME surveys. Participants will be able analyze scores and narrative comments to design an improvement plan for their program.
  • Identify the structure, data sources, and metrics to build a meaningful scorecard.
  • Recognize the needs and importance of a standardized report in data-driven decision making at the program, department, and institution level.
  • Construct a scorecard to the specific needs at participants’ home institution and identify implementation strategies.
  • Participants will be able to prioritize, establish a rationale, goals, and initiatives using qualitative data from surveys.
C. Workshop: Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production!
Session Description:
    This session highlights the work of program quality improvement by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from different sources including ACGME and GME surveys. Participants will be able analyze scores and narrative comments to design an improvement plan for their program.
Session Objectives:
  • Identify the structure, data sources, and metrics to build a meaningful scorecard.
  • Recognize the needs and importance of a standardized report in data-driven decision making at the program, department, and institution level.
  • Construct a scorecard to the specific needs at participants’ home institution and identify implementation strategies.
  • Participants will be able to prioritize, establish a rationale, goals, and initiatives using qualitative data from surveys.
D. Frontline forum: Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME
    Mini-talks (each for 15 minutes) including local Champions of clinical teacher and trainee (Awarded presenters, Prize winners of teacher and learner’s reflection sharing in E-posters competitions) and international speaker (Raghdah Al-Bualy), and interactive discussion to promote the engagement of frontline teachers and learners for the Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME facilitating by faculty team in CBME week.
D. Frontline forum: Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME
    Mini-talks (each for 15 minutes) including local Champions of clinical teacher and trainee (Awarded presenters, Prize winners of teacher and learner’s reflection sharing in E-posters competitions) and international speaker (Raghdah Al-Bualy), and interactive discussion to promote the engagement of frontline teachers and learners for the Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME facilitating by faculty team in CBME week.


Forum to future

The next step of CBME in Taiwan
#現場即時口譯服務  #四個平行分場摘要報告  #所有與會嘉賓共同參與共創未來
Open discussion with all participants of the conference and Panelists by all international speakers and key stake holders and champions of CBME in Taiwan
The conference will conclude with panel discussions and an open forum, featuring participation from all speakers invited key stakeholders. The session will reflect on the day's insights from all sessions (parallel workshops and forum’s short reports) and engage the audience in discussions about the future direction and change management strategies of CBME in Taiwan.
The next step of CBME in Taiwan
#real-time interpretation service
    Open discussion with all participants of the conference and Panelists by all international speakers and key stake holders and champions of CBME in Taiwan
    The conference will conclude with panel discussions and an open forum, featuring participation from all speakers invited key stakeholders. The session will reflect on the day's insights from all sessions (parallel workshops and forum’s short reports) and engage the audience in discussions about the future direction and change management strategies of CBME in Taiwan.

講者 & 主題

Speaker & Topic

Jason R. Frank, MD, MEd
🔹國際 CBME 學者組織,理事會主席

1. 實施科學與我們從全球CBME運動中所學的經驗。
Implementation science and what we learn from worldwide CBME movement.

This talk will discuss what is implementation science and an inspection of the state-of-the-art experience of worldwide implementation of CBME with the lens of implementation science.

2. Leaders’ forum: Co-design of CBME eco-system

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
周致丞 Fremen Chihchen Chou, MD, PhD
🔹台灣急診醫學會 CBME 工作小組召集人
🔹Olle ten Cate 教授《Entrustable Professional Activities 國際課程》國際教師團隊核心教師

Ten years reflections of CBME implementation in Taiwan and a future with democratic co-production

Based on the reflections from the role of a facilitator of CBME implementation in specialty and national level in CBME reform, this talk aim to open a stage for discussion of the next step of CBME in Taiwan with the perspective of democratic co-production.
Eric S. Holmboe, MD
🔹曾任 ACGME 資深副總裁, 2024 起任主管美國外國醫師資格際醫學教育認證機構 ECFMG及國際醫學教育評量組織 FAIMER 的母機構 Intealth 之 CEO

Co-production form Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education

How can co-production simultaneously reshape healthcare and education to enable better outcomes, and how does co-production provide a new philosophy and approach to guide key stakeholders such as policy makers, accreditation bodies, specialty societies, program core faculty, frontline teachers, learners, and patients to transform the delivery of healthcare and training of healthcare professionals.
Raghdah Al-Bualy, MHPE, MHA, PhD(c).
🔹阿曼蘇丹國 ACGME 國際中心 Hub Leader

1. 釋放學習者潛能:在教與學中的共創
Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning

Introducing the concept of co-creation with learners, and potential strategies that can help teachers and educational leaders to implement co-creation of teaching and learning in health professions education.

2. Frontline forum: Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME

Mini-talks (each for 15 minutes) including local Champions of clinical teacher and trainee (Awarded presenters, Prize winners of teacher and learner’s reflection sharing in E-posters competitions) and international speaker (Raghdah Al-Bualy), and interactive discussion to promote the engagement of frontline teachers and learners for the Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME facilitating by faculty team in CBME week.
Mabel Yap, MBBS, MSc, PhD

Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
劉越萍Yueh-Ping Liu, MD, MPH, MBA

Taiwan’s Vision for Healthcare Professional Training.

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE
🔹現任 ACGME 資深副總裁

Workshop: Empowering Educators with Milestones: Unleashing Collective Brilliance for a Stronger Educational Faculty Team.

This workshop will introduce clinician educators (CE) milestones, bringing a blueprint for constructing a stronger CE team in organization, a guide for individual development of CE, a tool to examine the collective strength and weakness of the CE team.
Pedro Tanaka, MD, PhD
🔹史丹佛 ACGME Hub Leader

Workshop: Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production!

This session highlights the work of program quality improvement by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from different sources including ACGME and GME surveys. Participants will be able analyze scores and narrative comments to design an improvement plan for their program.

• Identify the structure, data sources, and metrics to build a meaningful scorecard.
• Recognize the needs and importance of a standardized report in data-driven decision making at the program, department, and institution level.
• Construct a scorecard to the specific needs at participants’ home institution and identify implementation strategies.
• Participants will be able to prioritize, establish a rationale, goals, and initiatives using qualitative data from surveys.
Harm Peters, MD, MHPE
🔹德國 Charité 大學教授,醫學教育暨教育研究中心主任

Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management

To gain invaluable insights into navigating the complexities of major CBME curriculum reforms with a specific focus on effective change management strategies, this session offers practical guidance for institutions in the early stages or already embarked on transforming their undergraduate programs toward competency-based medical education.
Jason R. Frank, MD, MEd
🔹Chair of executive committee, ICBME Collaborators
🔹Professor, Emergency Medicine, Ottawa University, Canada

1. Implementation science and what we learn from worldwide CBME movement.

This talk will discuss what is implementation science and an inspection of the state-of-the-art experience of worldwide implementation of CBME with the lens of implementation science.

2. Leaders’ forum: Co-design of CBME eco-system

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
Fremen Chihchen Chou, MD, PhD
🔹Chair, Task Force of CBME, Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine
🔹Inaugural Member, ICBME Executive Committee, The International Competency-based Medical Education (ICBME)
🔹Faculty Member, Ins and outs of Entrustable Professional Activities International courses, Professor Olle ten Cate and International Faculty Team.

Ten years reflections of CBME implementation in Taiwan and a future with democratic co-production

Based on the reflections from the role of a facilitator of CBME implementation in specialty and national level in CBME reform, this talk aim to open a stage for discussion of the next step of CBME in Taiwan with the perspective of democratic co-production.
Eric S. Holmboe, MD
🔹Chief, Research, Milestones Development and Evaluation Officer, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
🔹Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
🔹CEO of Intealth (integration of ECFMG® and FAIMER® ) since 2024

Co-production form Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education

How can co-production simultaneously reshape healthcare and education to enable better outcomes, and how does co-production provide a new philosophy and approach to guide key stakeholders such as policy makers, accreditation bodies, specialty societies, program core faculty, frontline teachers, learners, and patients to transform the delivery of healthcare and training of healthcare professionals.
Raghdah Al-Bualy, MHPE, MHA, PhD(c).
1. Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning

Introducing the concept of co-creation with learners, and potential strategies that can help teachers and educational leaders to implement co-creation of teaching and learning in health professions education.

2. Frontline forum: Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME

Mini-talks (each for 15 minutes) including local Champions of clinical teacher and trainee (Awarded presenters, Prize winners of teacher and learner’s reflection sharing in E-posters competitions) and international speaker (Raghdah Al-Bualy), and interactive discussion to promote the engagement of frontline teachers and learners for the Co-creation and Co-production of learning in CBME facilitating by faculty team in CBME week.
Mabel Yap, MBBS, MSc, PhD
🔹Director, Professional Training and Assessment Standards Division, MOH, Singapore, (oversees training and assessment standards for healthcare professionals)

Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
Yueh-Ping Liu, MD, MPH, MBA
🔹Director, Medical Affairs Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan

Taiwan’s Vision for Healthcare Professional Training.

Starting with a brief introduction of Singapore’s experience and Taiwan’s vision on healthcare professional training, and the stages throughout the implementation of CBME, this forum help identifying where we are, possible barriers and facilitators and promote systemic thinking of the long- term implementation of CBME and promoting dialogue between various Stakeholders (leaders including policy makers, accreditation body, specialty society leaders, institutional education leaders) to build up shared vision and strategies for change.
Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE
🔹Vice President, Milestones Development at ACGME

Workshop: Empowering Educators with Milestones: Unleashing Collective Brilliance for a Stronger Educational Faculty Team.

This workshop will introduce clinician educators (CE) milestones, bringing a blueprint for constructing a stronger CE team in organization, a guide for individual development of CE, a tool to examine the collective strength and weakness of the CE team.
Pedro Tanaka, MD, PhD
🔹Associate Designated Institutional Official for GME; Vice Chair for Diversity and Inclusion; Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, Stanford.
🔹Associate Program Director, Department of Anesthesiology.
🔹Clinical Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University Medical School

Workshop: Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production!

Session Description:
This session highlights the work of program quality improvement by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from different sources including ACGME and GME surveys. Participants will be able analyze scores and narrative comments to design an improvement plan for their program.

Session Objectives:
• Identify the structure, data sources, and metrics to build a meaningful scorecard.
• Recognize the needs and importance of a standardized report in data-driven decision making at the program, department, and institution level.
• Construct a scorecard to the specific needs at participants’ home institution and identify implementation strategies.
• Participants will be able to prioritize, establish a rationale, goals, and initiatives using qualitative data from surveys.
Harm Peters, MD, MHPE
🔹President, Association of Medical School in Europe President
🔹Professor and Head ( ́Faculty - Dieter Scheffner Center for Medical Education and Educational Research.), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.

Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management

To gain invaluable insights into navigating the complexities of major CBME curriculum reforms with a specific focus on effective change management strategies, this session offers practical guidance for institutions in the early stages or already embarked on transforming their undergraduate programs toward competency-based medical education.



  • 沿國道3號和國道一號前往西屯區的中清路二段/台1乙線 ➡️ 從國道一號的 174-大雅出口下交流道 ➡️ 走經貿路前往北屯區的大鵬路抵達水湳校本部
  • 中鹿客運525號,「經貿大鵬路口站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 6 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
  • 統聯客運61號,「大德國中站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 10 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
  • 豐原客運850號,「大德國中站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 10 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
  • 台中客運6號、23號、54號、82號、101號、108號,「大德國中站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 10 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
  • 台中客運28號,「大鵬國小站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 8 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
  • 仁友客運32號,「大鵬國小站」下車 ➡️ 步行約 8 分鐘抵達水湳校本部
* 刷卡出站至車站大廳後,往1B出口方向走樓梯下樓

* 8:00開始,滿30人即發車,最後一台於8:30發車,請務必於最後一班車發車前抵達。
* 考量其他乘車來賓權益,逾時將無法提供您接駁服務,請見諒。


  • 汽車 (B3F 和 B4F): 407個停車位 (20元/一小時;當日最高160元)
  • 機車 (B2F): 1,285個停車位 (20元/一次)
"By Car:
  • Take National Highway No. 3 and National Highway No. 1 towards Xitun District, heading to Zhongqing Road Section 2/Tai 1 Y-line. ➡️  Exit at Exit 174-Daya from National Highway No. 1. ➡️ Proceed via Economy and Trade Road towards Dapeng Road in Beitun District to reach Shuinan Campus.
"By Urban Bus:
  • Zhong-Lu BUS No. 525, get off at "Jingmao-Dapeng Intersection" station ➡️ walk for about 6 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
  • United Highway Bus No. 61, get off at "Dade Junior High School" station ➡️ walk for about 10 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
  • Fengyuan Bus No. 850, get off at "Dade Junior High School" station ➡️ walk for about 10 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
  • Taichung Bus No. 6, No. 23, No. 54, No. 82, No. 101, No. 108: Get off at "Dade Junior High School" station ➡️ walk for about 10 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
  • Taichung Bus No. 28, get off at "Da Peng Elementary School" station ➡️ walk for about 8 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
  • Renyou Bus No. 32, get off at "Da Peng Elementary School" station ➡️ walk for about 8 minutes to Shuinan Campus.
Parking Information

"Shuinan Campus Underground Parking Garage (Flat Parking Spaces)

  • Car Parking (B3 and B4): 407 parking spaces (NTD 20 per hour; Daily maximum charge of NTD 160.)
  • Scooter Parking (B2): 1,285 parking spaces (NTD 20 per entry.)


04-2205-2121 分機12346s
Email: 033643@tool.caaumed.org.tw


Bryant Ying-Yi Lin
+886-4-2205-2121 ext.12346
Email: 033643@tool.caaumed.org.tw
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