― 2024.01.06 (六) ―
中國醫藥大學 卓越大樓 B2F 國際會議廳
― Saturday, January 6th, 2024 ―
B2F, Conference Hall, Administration Building, Shuinan Campus, China Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan
時間 | 主題 | 講者 | 主持人 |
8:20~9:00 | 報到 | ||
9:00~9:20 | 開場致詞 - 中國醫藥大學醫學院 蔡崇豪院長 - - 醫策會 張上淳董事長 - |
9:20~10:00 |
實施科學與我們從全球CBME運動中所學的經驗 Implementation Science and What We Learn from Worldwide CBME Movement. |
Jason R. Frank |
中國醫藥大學醫學院 蔡崇豪院長 台灣醫學教育學會 倪衍玄理事長 |
10:00~10:40 |
台灣實施CBME十年的反思以及未來的民主共創之路 Ten Years Reflections of CBME Implementation in Taiwan and A Future with Democratic Co-production |
周致丞醫師 Fremen Chihchen Chou |
中國醫藥大學兒童醫院 王志堯院長 高雄長庚紀念醫院 龔嘉德副院長 |
10:40~11:00 | 大合照暨茶敘 | ||
11:00~11:40 |
從醫療服務到醫學教育的共創 Co-production from Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education |
Eric S. Holmboe (virtual) |
中國醫藥大學醫學院 林嘉德副院長 國泰綜合醫院 簡志誠副院長 |
11:40~12:20 |
釋放學習者潛能:在教與學中的共創 Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning |
Raghdah Al-Bualy |
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 邱德發教學副院長 台灣急診醫學會 許建清理事長 |
12:20~13:20 | 午餐 |
13:20~14:50 | |||
Leaders' forum Co-design of CBME Eco-System. Speaker: Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore Mabel Yap(virtual) 後疫情世代專科醫師訓練精進及未來展望 劉越萍司長 Facilitator: Janson R. Frank Co-Facilitator: 輔仁大學醫學系 王拔群講座教授 長庚紀念醫院 蕭政廷副院長 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 邱德發教學副院長 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 周致丞主任 |
Workshop A Empowering Educators with Milestones. Speaker: Laura Edgar Co-Facilitator: 國泰綜合醫院 簡志誠副院長 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 林曉娟主任 國泰綜合醫院 陳信佑副主任 |
Workshop B Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production! Speaker: Pedro Tanaka Co-Facilitator: 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 陳建宇主任 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 林韋均主任 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 郭淑柳主任 |
Frontline Forum Co-creation and Co-Production of Learning in CBME Speaker: Raghdah Al-Bualy Awarded presentations of submitted E-posters of Narratives from frontline in CBME Co-Facilitator: 長庚大學 張玉喆副系主任 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 吳柏樟主任 長庚紀念醫院 廖書晨主任 |
14:50~15:20 | Coffee Break | ||
15:20~16:00 |
精誠所至,金石為開:透過變革管理掌握重大CBME課程改革 Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management |
Harm Peters (virtual) |
中國醫藥大學 洪明奇校長 臺北醫學大學 胡朝榮副院長 |
16:00~16:40 |
未來展望論壇 台灣CBME的下一步 The next step of CBME in Taiwan Facilitator: 中國醫藥大學 陳偉德講座教授、台灣醫學教育學會 楊志偉秘書長 Panelists: 所有講者及與會貴賓 |
16:40~16:50 | 頒獎與閉幕典禮 - 中國醫藥大學 洪明奇校長 - 壁報論文評審委員:張玉喆、張耀文、郭淑柳、陳建宇、黃孟娟、楊志偉 |
Time | Topic | Speaker | Moderator |
8:20~9:00 | Registration | ||
9:00~9:20 | Opening Remark Honored Guest - Chon-Haw Tsai, Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU - - Shan-Chwen Chang, Chairman of JCT of Taiwan - |
9:20~10:00 | Implementation Science and What We Learn from Worldwide CBME Movement. | Jason R. Frank |
Chon-Haw Tsai, Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU YEN-HSUAN NI, President of TAME |
10:00~10:40 | Ten Years Reflections of CBME Implementation in Taiwan and A Future with Democratic Co-production | Fremen Chihchen Chou |
Jiu-Yao Wang, Superintendent of CMUCH Chia-Te Kung, Vice President of CGMH |
10:40~11:00 | Group photo & Coffee Break | ||
11:00~11:40 | Co-production from Healthcare Delivery to Medical Education | Eric S. Holmboe (virtual) |
Chia-Der Lin, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine, CMU CHIH-CHEN CHIEN, Vice President of CGH |
11:40~12:20 | Unlocking Learner Potential: The Power of Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning | Raghdah Al-Bualy |
Te-Fa Chiu, Vice President of CMUH Chien-Chin Hsu, President of TSEM |
12:20~13:20 | Lunch |
13:20~14:50 | |||
Leaders forum Co-design of CBME Eco-System. Speaker: Reflection on a Decade of CBME Implementation in Singapore Mabel Yap (virtual) Taiwan’s Vision for Training Medical Professionals Yueh-Ping Liu Facilitator: Janson R. Frank Co-Facilitator: Wang, Pa-Chun Cheng-Ting Hsiao Te-Fa Chiu Fremen Chihchen Chou |
Workshop A Empowering Educators with Milestones. Speaker: Laura Edgar Co-Facilitator: Chien, Chih-Cheng Hsiao-Chuan Lin Xin-You Chen |
Workshop B Enhancing Your Program Quality through Co-Production! Speaker: Pedro Tanaka Co-Facilitator: Chien-Yu Jonathan Chen Peter Wei-Jun Lin Shu-Liu Guo |
Frontline Forum Co-creation and Co-Production of Learning in CBME Speaker: Raghdah Al-Bualy Awarded presentations of submitted E-posters of Narratives from frontline in CBME Co-Facilitator: Yu-Che. Chang Po-Chang Wu Shu-Chen Liao |
14:50~15:20 | Coffee Break | ||
15:20~16:00 | Moving a Mountain: Mastering A Major CBME Curriculum Reform Through Change Management | Harm Peters (virtual) |
Mien-Chie Hung ,President of CMU Chaur-Jong Hu , Vice President of TMU |
16:00~16:40 |
Forum to future The next step of CBME in Taiwan Facilitator: Walter Chen and Chih-Wei Yang Panelists: all speakers and guests |
16:40~16:50 | Award & Closing Ceremony - Mien-Chie Hung ,President of CMU - E-poster Juries: Yu-Che. Chang, Yaw-Wen Chang, Shu-Liu Guo, Chien-Yu Chen, Meng-Chuan Huang, Chih-Wei Yang |
"Shuinan Campus Underground Parking Garage (Flat Parking Spaces)